
July 14
21h15 program by Doplgenger (Serbia) : SALT PEANUTS - HOT KLAB OF FRANS by Antonio G. Lauer
22h30 live "Obstruction Brusque d'un Vaisseau par un Corps Etranger" by Denis Cartet & Mister Frac
Théâtre des Chartreux 105, avenue des Chartreux / 13004 Marseille tel. 33 4 91 50 18 90
21h15 program by Doplgenger (Serbia) : SALT PEANUTS - HOT KLAB OF FRANS by Antonio G. Lauer (a.k.a. Tomislav Gotovac) - 60mn

coul & b/w, experimental, 2007
Sc.: Antonio G. Lauer (a.k.a. Tomislav Gotovac)
E.: Bosko Prostran
Production: AFC, Belgrade
Tomislav Gotovac is one of the authors who worked in production conditions of amateur film alongside cine clubs but whose work exceeded it and entered the institutions of contemporary art. The last film of his is a case study that at the same time resonates radical-anarchistic film practice of the 60's and draws upon invisible histories of Yugoslav and world cinema.

The project Transimage
For Contre Nature Images 2012 Doplgenger present two programs as part of transimage.org. Transimage is a new international platform for experimental film/video and critical theory, aiming to explore and understand key elements in constituting the image - space beyond/across it such as ideology, technology, cultural and sociopolitical context, and history. The main objective of the Transimage platform is to reinforce the critical and experimental practices and discourses in contemporary film/video medium in both local and international contexts linking artistic "scenes" by producing, exhibiting, screening, "re-thinking" specific films and videos in order to provide critical reflection on and analysis of the influence of the current position of moving images in contemporary and global society.
The project is supported by Roberto Cimetta Fund

Doplgenger is artist duo of Isidora Ilic and Bosko Prostran, film/video artists from Belgrade (SRB). Doplgenger's works explore relevant contemporary issues and their relation to wider artistic, theoretical and social context. It is mostly concerned with challenging the ways of how moving images function and how we look at them. The focus on questioning the film medium, language, structure and notions of text is often sustained by a variety of techniques and approaches - performative, conceptual, theoretical, litera-ture...

22h30 live "Obstruction Brusque d'un Vaisseau par un Corps Etranger" de Denis Cartet & Mister Frac presented by Digital Borax - 50mn
Portrait of an Algeria War veteran through the recomposed image of a missing father.

When the film meets the performance, a film is improvised. Fragments of words and phrases, snatches of images and sounds, musical fractions, the author and the director songwriter are mixing live images and soundtrack. Experience unique cinema, the documentary film essay is finalized at the same time when the public finds out.
Denis Cartet (Author director) and Frederic Accart (Composer Author) offering to provide a real-time version of a film being created. This performance is the testimony of a documentary work in progress report live from all elements of the images and sounds of the project . It's not the finished film that exists but a virtual track, the interpretation of a upcoming film.

Denis Cartet
Cartet director Denis is the author of five short films in sixteen and thirty-five millimeters. As resident director at the Friche Belle de Mai since 1996, he founded in 2001 Digital Borax. Since 2001 he is conducting research on the treatment of real-time video, in a constant round trip between film and digital.

Mister Frac
Mister Frac began playing bass in 1981. And Then he plays contrabass at the Conservatory of Marseille where he graduated with a 1st Prize of jazz class in 1999. Participation en tant que co-chef de file et la découverte de l'univers électro durant ses collaborations avec Mars XP, Loop et Di Maggio de 2000 à 2002.
Since Mister Frac is playing with M.A.O. and composes for his projects with which he plays in Europe and Japan.
Winner of remix Mélodie on the Rocks (festival électro Calvi 2004). Winner of the competition Mash Up William Shatner (ACIDplanet April 2005). Resident on Radio Grenouille since October 2005. Ongoing collaboration with Denis Cartet: L'Homme de la Rue, Mémoires Vives 2003, Obstruction Brusque 2005/2008.

Digital Borax
Digital Borax is a cinematographic and digital structure. The Speech and the gesture of an author are at the heart of Digital Borax, as during the production of a film, a writing for a radio, or a performance of images and sounds.
Friche La Belle de Mai
41, rue Jobin
13 003 Marseille
Tel.: 33 4 95 04 95 26